Friday, July 22, 2011
hadis mengenai gambaran dn tanda jelas bila kiamat
Thursday, July 21, 2011
saya suka ... i like ... wo xihuan ....
Ramai tanye aku APA yang aku minat.. ntah nape lorr… aku bkn org pemes pon nk ditanye2 question cmni..
Hishhhh ^^
Aku minat la same Kilafairy .. tao ta sape die? Cer teka cer teka ..
die ni anak penyanyi veteran, Rohana Jalil .. for dearest you guys information, Kilafairy ni anak kacukan
That’s why she got an awesome,hottie looks.. kah3Ox =.=’
Die berlakon citer Karak ngan Shahir tu .. other than acting, she also has a great voice too !
Selain Kilafairy, aku minat gak sama Megan Fox, Aishwarya Rai, Olga Kurylenko, Amy Adams Miranda Cosgrove dan etc .. huhu
For actor wise, aku suke pelakon Harry Potter tu, sape name die,, lupe dah ..* haha Christopher Gorham, Josh Duhamel, Leonardo DiCaprio and laen2 .. hehe
penyanyi yang aku minat adelah Bruno Mars, CT, Westlife, Sean Kingston, Celine Dion, MC, SuJu, FT, Yunalis Zarai, Jonas Brothers, and mcm2 lg lorr
Lagi ape ea?
Ouh, buku ape yg aku gemar? Any horror ,investigative or magical English novel pon aku sapu.. tp asalkan jalan citer die berkualiti n overall value I care most is about its Quality . paham? Huhu (besh nyer if ade org blanje aku Novel mcm yg aku sebutkan td.. hehe)
Aku minat bersukan actually. One of them is playing soccer tp slalu tade chance to show off my fancy bout it.. dlu2 time skolah leh la men2 bola. BasketBall pon cheq men dlu.. terer gak la men bola keranjang.. XP (terpengaruh comic SlamDunk !)
Utk pengetahuan sume, dlu cheq slalu johan dlm Olahraga 4x100m, 4x200m, 100m and etc.. Athlete skolah tao dlu ! haha (ramai tatao)
Tapi bile start form 3, my mom asked me to concentrate on my studies. That’s y la im becoming pro to academic rather than sport.. skema skit la (now) ~~
Hurmm what more shud I gonna share with U guys eh?
Oh ya ! I
Aku juge gemar tgk wayang, DVD , TV .. listening to music, playing games, and all about IT..
Nowadays, I found out myself love to involve in outdoor activity or so-called camping in hardly-survive campsite .. mcm hutan ke.. nk rase wat campfire.. dlu slalu picnic je.. hehe
Aku dlu suke tdo meniarap ! hoho smpai my mummy alwiz mrh ! hehe (tbe2)
Bout foods n beverages, I love mkn mknn Thai, or menus from Indo-China countries. Arabic food, suke gak.. huhu tp kureng skit Japanese food.. cuz mcm ta sedap ! hoho air yg aku suke adelah plain water ! seriously.. tp if sweetened drink, I prefer orange juice or tropican fruity milky drink . Ouchak !!!! beshhnyer doe~
Nextime aku share ngan korg bout things I hate most yea .. hahahaha
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011
besday nur ain izzah irdina a.k.a mekjah XD
lame x update this blog..
actually i ain't no better reason
than just simply saying : dry of idea... XP
but today just nak share bout something yg menggoda...
si mekjah ! zhen bang!
beliau lahir pada tanggal 29 January 2008...
and on this year beliau suda berusia 3 tahun....
cpt nyer mase berlalu....
dlu botak, ;P
skrg dah ade auburn-color hair...

dlu tunggal...
skrg dah ade adik da...
namenya nur ain arissa irdina
and don't misjudge okayyh coz bkn mekjah yg bully adik
tetapi sebaliknye berlaku... huhuhu
zhen ti ta dan you ....
but just buli2 manja je.... wee~
now nak share pics taken during the simple, family besday party...
just some of it...
pak wan kita pesan, sorry coz dia x dapat sediakan tonemark utk pinying
di atas... so if nak tao ape makne nye, silalah bertanye pada nye...